well, talking about my study, sekarang nih aku posting kanak-kanak..wee hee..bestnya dapat main dengan kanak-kanak dan tengok kecomelan diorang..actually, it is not that fun, because they are suffered from their disease..how could you you imagine, that little child, doesn't know what's going on this world, need to be strong enough (maybe more than us) to understand what happen to themselves..
For your information, among the most common disease that I found in ward is pneumonia atau dalam melayu nya jangkitan kuman pada paru2..mungkin,sesetengah ibu pernah m'dengar nama penyakit nih..ia boleh bermula dengan demam biasa2 je campur batuk..kalo dah berhari2 bagi mkn syrup paracetamol pon tak elok2 jugak and it end up with rapid breathing, you should be caution about this.! and tolong la jangan ambil mudah dgn perkara sebegini ye..
and the second disease that I been quite boring to see is asthma..walaupun bosan,tapi penting sangat tau..kalau tak dikawal, boleh bawa ke tahap severe..tengok tuh, kesian kan..kecil2 dah kena pakai inhaler..and there are also some cases that quite interesting where most of them I can find in clinic such as thalassemia trait(nih mesti korang selalu dengar kan?), umbilical hernia (in infant), and the most interest one is mental retardation..sian tengok budak tuh..dah la anak yatim piatu..tapi, percayalah..di sebalik semua ujian yang Allah bagi ni, tak lain hanyalah untuk menguji kita sebagai hambaNya kerana Dia sayangkan kita..dan kenapa kita masih tidak mensyukuri sedangkan nikmatNya tidak pernah terkira..
nota kaki saiz 5 : nak blogwalking kat blog kawan2...tee hee =)
kanak2 penawar hati kita yg tgh sakit :)
i pon stadi ni gak dis sem. subject child development. and last week, baru stadi pasal diseases that a child gets after born. cm autism.
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